Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Break-up Letter

*God! this is gonna be difficult!!*

Dear TCS,

I should have never cared. But I did care, I cared a lot, I still do, and that's why this is the hardest thing I ever had to tell you.
I didn't plan on falling in love with you, I know you didn't either. But years ago, once we met, things just happened. And, both of us knew better than to let go of each other. I remember when you walked into my campus for the first time. Can't believe its been 4 years already. "So long, farewell, it's time to say good-bye." This is my last couple of days, with you, as yours.

In case you are wondering why, I just want you to know, it's not you, it's me. It is not because of the boring, long and taxing work hours. You should know, there is much worse, outside. No, it is not the stale food either. Everyone knows that, it has never been your biggest asset, but I still chose to like whatever you had for me. It is definitely not because of my parents too. They adore you. They are proud that I am with you. They will always love you and probably always hate me for leaving you. But I have to do this.

I know I am being selfish. I am sorry, but I think I need some time for myself - to do the things I have always wanted to do. The list is long, and never ending, at times, but this might be the last chance I can ever take to check things off my list. I tried doing all that whilst still being with you. But looks like things just do not work that way. Being 25 is the last call to concentrate on other things and I do not want to ignore this opportunity. Yes, it is a huge risk, but if not now, I might never be able to do any of this, any more. I need time, and that is the time we usually spend together.

There's no love like the first. You are not just special but also very memorable. Our first date with all the tests and interviews and the chaos, will be my fond memory, always. I was this love-struck teenager, trying with all my might to impress you. And then, it took over a year for us to be together again. I knew we were meant to be together, so I waited, patiently, devotedly.

As promised, our days began in Chennai. First few months were pure fun. Despite all the odds of technical training and multiple tests, we made a great pair. You brought out the best in me. You gave me a chance to prove myself. The projects and tests were simply bringing us closer. I cherish all those times we had, with each other. And that is when you wanted to move to Bangalore, which I right away agreed to. To me, only being with you matters, and nothing else.

We flew places together. We met new people like us. You introduced me to a lot of your friends. You identified my strengths and appreciated my passion. You encouraged me like no one else did. 3 years seems to have gone in a jiffy, for the memories are still nascent. You gave me confidence. You made me bolder and more mature. You were the one, who talked me into following my passion. And that is the reason, we are here now. I have to go and that has to be now.

I will miss waking up thinking about you. I will miss being with you everyday. But I have to learn to live with it. This does not mean a goodbye forever. I am still going to be in Chennai, and we can still catch up. I know it can never be like the old times, but it can still happen. We will be friends, staying in touch, smiling at each other every time we pass by, silently wishing each other the best, always.

I can already see myself talking to the new people I meet, about you, about the wonderful time we have had. May be, one day, I will come back, and I wish you would take me back, as yours, for I can never find anyone who can replace you in my life, ever.

You will be missed.