Monday, June 16, 2014

Auto Cul(Kill)ture!!

I really wonder how people here survive! Of the 100 and odd things that Bangalore could learn from Chennai, Auto Culture tops the list. I do agree to the fact that they adhere to meter charges, that too happens only in certain parts of the central city. Otherwise, just forget the meter. But there is more to an auto-wala than just meters and charges.

Here is a list of weird Auto Cul(Kill)ture strictly adapted to, by the Bengaluru auto-walas:

1. It is way too difficult to find an auto at non-morning hours. And by that I mean, anytime that does not fall between 10am and 9pm. Are you kidding? I reach Chennai Central at 0415 hours, in the morning of course and the place is buzzing with auto-walas riding around in their locos. Auto-wala should be an early riser! After all, an early bird catches the worm. And getting an auto to your destination after 9pm is almost Mission Impossible. They simply vanish into thin air, as it starts getting dark.

2. It is a miracle if an auto-wala actually knows the address you are looking for - otherwise he simply tells you the "correctly" wrong directions around the town. At the same time, if you call him for a ride to the destination-unknown, he wouldn't budge. Simply coz, he has never been to that place before. I miss Chennai auto-walas who can take you to any nook and corner, just coz you pointed at it.

3. As far as I noticed the autos are all from the same manufacturer, as Chennai -  yet the ride is such a pain the ass, literally. lesser leg space, harder less-cushioned seats and utter perpendicular back rest - makes you wish the ride ends in not more than 10 minutes.

4. In non-metered regions, like my dear Whitefield, the negotiation starts from Rs.60/ per km for distances less than 5km, you can imagine the rest! Had I saved the cash I spent on auto rides, in my first month here, I could have bought an extra zoom lens for my Nikon by now.

5. Also, I should mention, they are such heartless-souls. They see you with such huge/ heavy luggage - be it from D-Mart (super market) or Majestic (Bangalore Central) - they wouldn't bother to lend a hand, forget moving the vehicle away from puddles or slush. They will cozily sit (with the engine ON) until you struggle your way through.

I wish Chennai Auto Culture goes viral, for the ultimate good of mankind!